– your linguistic support!
Lingua Box is a small company specialised in translations services
Medical and pharmaceutical texts (clinical trials, informed consents, clinical trial agreements, patient diaries, SMPC, etc.)
Legal texts (judgements, verdicts, decisions, resolutions; contracts, agreements, laws, rulebooks, statutes, statements, etc.)
Finance and insurance (financial statements, profit and loss accounts, balance sheets, etc.)
Tender documents
Project documents
EU fund applications
Web pages
Tourism, hospitality and catering industry
Marketing industry
Leaflets and promo material
Sworn translation
The County Court in Zagreb appoints translators for particular languages who then guarantee for the accuracy of their
translations with their stamp and signature. Such a translation constitutes an official document. Some authorities demand
officially translated documents for certain purposes.
A court-appointed translator in Croatia is called stalni sudski tumač, that is, a certified or sworn (permanent) court interpreter.
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“Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes.” ― Günter Grass